Today is AG's last day in her preschool class, or as I like to call it, the class of crying non-crawlers. Seriously, every time I go in there, they all start crying. Either A) I am horrifyingly scary to look at in the morning (v. possible), or B) my presence reminds them that their own mommy isn't there to pick them up yet. I'm starting to get a complex about it.
Anyway, next week, Ally Grace is moving up to the crawler class, despite the fact that she's not ACTUALLY crawling yet.
And then the following week, I'm pretty sure she'll be going off to college.
So, in the crawler class, not only do the babies sleep on mats and eat real food, they drink from sippy cups! Now, we've done some playing around with the sippy cup (and by playing, I mean throwing it, biting it, and hitting mommy in the face with it). However, AG has made it very clear that she strictly prefers her milk in a bottle, thankyouverymuch.
Which means I need some advice. How do you teach your baby to drink from a cup instead of a bottle? And what if your favorite time of day is giving her that first bottle, while you drink your morning coffee (mommy's sippy cup) and watch tv? And what if you want to freeze time right where it is, refusing to allow her any more growing up?
Just hypothetically, of course.
Listen, you don't even have to have a baby to give me some advice. If you EVER babysat, had younger siblings or cousins, or have even just seen a baby and have some really good ideas on the matter, you're more of an expert than I am.
10 hours ago