Monday, March 22, 2010

Mmm, Mmm, Good.

Isn't that the McDonald's jingle, by the way? Mmmm, french fries.......reminds me of rice cereal.  Did you like that transition?  Yeah, me too.

(And now I'm realizing that it's not the McDonald's jingle, but maybe the one for Campbell's soup.  But I'm not really sure.  And this is important because?)

(Exactly.  It's not.)

For the future embarassment of AG, AND your viewing enjoyment, here's Ally Grace's very first attempt at rice cereal.  Notice that she already knows how to shake her head "no." 

Wherever did she learn that?

P.S. I didn't realize that my makeup-less self could be seen in the corner of the video.....John fell down on his directorial duties, and ignored my demand suggestion to keep me out of the shot.

P.P.S.  I figured out how to post a video from youtube.  Boo-ya.  That's right.  Boo-ya.


Unknown said...

I see Ally Grace has perfected the method of 'steel trap mouth.' Maybe if that spoon had a nipple on it and tasted like breast milk... don't worry she'll get the hang of it. Try, try, again.

Rachel Cox said...

That is REALLY funny that she would shake her head no!